How would you have voted on Prop 8?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

More to Refute From the Opposition

Hi all-

On a continued attempt to compile evidence of the weak arguments made by or oppositions, I have come upon another blog that attempts to convince its readers to vote for Proposition 8. I have found two arguments that blog titled Random Encounters of We tries to make that really just do not make sense to me. The first is found in the bloggers main blog post and the other is made after someone has commented against his original post.

The first argument RandomEncounters makes is that “Marriage is ordained by God and intended for ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.” The one word that sticks out to me in this quote is ‘God.’ Now as far as I understand God is a part of certain religions, and because of the laws of this country, has nothing to do with our governments decisions. Separation of church and state was established so government and religious institutions would be kept separate and independent of one another. Then why is our government allowing the passing of Proposition 8 when it is only because God says gay marriage is not right?

The second point that this blogger argues is that the traditional family is made up of a husband and wife and that this is the best situation for any child. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of family is a supportive group of people who have an endless amount of love for one another. Whether this is a husband and a wife, and husband and husband, or a wife and a wife, no one group is a better family than the other. If RandomEncounters and other supporters of Proposition 8 are suggesting that gay and lesbian couples should not have the chance to marry because that would not make for the traditional family, then I think we must look at other situations. If a husband and wife with two children get a divorce, and for instance the mother gets full custody, that no longer becomes a traditional family. Should single parents not be allowed to raise their children because they are not a traditional family? With the argument that RandomEncounters makes, this would be the case.

In the end, we must consider what we are actually dealing with, and this is the rights of certain people. I think when we take a look at the Random Encounters of We blog and the arguments that it tries to make, as well as the arguments that other Prop 8 supporters out there make, the weaknesses of them are so evident. Gay and lesbian couples only want to have the same rights as heterosexual couples and I have to ask everyone out there, does it really hurt you or your family for these groups to have the right to a legal marriage?

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